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Time management

How Can I Save Time at Work?

Enough! It’s time to start working smarter, not harder. These time-saving tips will help you do just that. Plus allow you time for your sandwich.
Time tracking

Power of Precision: Accurate Time Tracking for Maximum Productivity

Accurate time tracking is the key to productivity. Discover how to track your time efficiently and effectively to achieve maximum results.
Time management

The 8 Best Time Management Games for Productivity

Today, we’re talking about the very best time management games for productivity that can help you win back your time and get more work done when you need it.

8 Best Goal Tracking Apps for Your Team

Today, we’ll show you some of the very best apps you can find online for tracking your goals, whether they’re related to your personal or business life.
Time tracking

The Ultimate Timesheet App Showdown: Which One is Right for You?

It's time to upgrade to a timesheet app! Discover the best options on the market with our ultimate showdown. Don't wait - choose your app today!
Company news

Timely sweeps up at the G2 2023 Winter awards

When the feedback is positive though, that’s extra nice and this Winter over at G2 we’ve been awarded some fancy accolades that show we’re committed to you, our userbase, first and foremost.
Product updates

How do I track work hours on my phone?

So you’ve planned a few client meetings this week. You’re prepared and ready to impress. But are you prepared to track your on-site meetings to measure and manage your time profitably?
Time tracking

8 Best Time Tracking Extensions for Google Chrome

To make your life easier and more productive, you may have tried a number of hacks, tips and tricks. Today, we’ll show you one thing that’s seemingly simple but can have great effects: time-tracking extensions for Chrome.
Time management

How To Create a Time Management Plan for Work

Do you feel like you’re not really achieving all that much at work lately? You’re not imagining things - most people are not very productive once they clock in.
Time tracking

8 Best Timesheet Software for Easy Time Tracking in 2023

In today’s age, timesheets are used to calculate payroll, accurately bill your clients, and ensure that your employees are doing the work they are assigned.
Product updates

Time tracking for Microsoft Teams

It’s a problem – time waste across micro-tasks, work or non-work related. Ever since companies moved to digital – for client engagement, project management, and collaboration – it had an estimated impact of $1,000,000 in revenue lost on unproductive meetings in large and very large companies.
Time management

The Ultimate Guide To Time Clock Rounding

When it comes to working, it’s in everyone’s best interest to be fair. You want to pay the employee, contractor, or freelancer exactly the agreed amount. At the same time, they want to get a fair wage for their hard work.