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Use the fresh start effect to boost your motivation

Never heard of the “fresh start effect”? It’s our tendency to take action towards a goal after a special occasion or key date has passed.

Online teaching software: the basic tools you should know about

EdTech is an incredibly crowded space. We’ve grouped together the basic online teaching software you should know about for virtual teaching success.

8 strategies for keeping work and personal time separate

With fewer digital and physical barriers between work and home, switching off from work is harder than ever. Here are strategies our remote workers use.
Time management

How to get your time confetti under control

Time confetti is likely eating away at your work/life balance. It leaves you stressed and feeds a whole host of problems. Here’s what you need to know.

Attention residue: the reason why you can’t focus

A build-up of attention residue can seriously limit our productivity. But what exactly is attention residue, and can we do anything to reduce it?

What makes a remote-first company culture?

Establishing a successful remote-first culture involves far more than just letting staff work from home. So what exactly makes a remote-first company culture?

The Magic of the 80 20 Rule: How to Achieve More with Less Effort

Unlock the power of the 80 20 rule and achieve more with less effort. Learn how to identify the vital few and eliminate the trivial many. Start today!
Task management

Task batching: what it is, how to do it well

Often, it’s the simplest productivity hacks that make the biggest difference. Task batching is a textbook example, but many of us struggle to commit to it.

4 ways to use the Zeigarnik effect to boost your productivity

Ever been interrupted in the middle of a task and found it impossible to focus on anything else? This is the Zeigarnik effect in motion.

The four main types of productivity software (with examples)

Searching for "productivity software" quickly reveals a ton of dramatically different solutions and you need to know which of the four main types you’re after.

What makes a good work from home routine?

Work routines can become difficult to maintain when working from home. So what exactly makes a good work-from-home routine?

11 best-in-class work from home productivity tools

If you find yourself overwhelmed by working from home or just need a little discipline to stay focused, here are productivity tools for you.